Home>Products>Super Precision Bearing>7030CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle
7030CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle
Super Precision Bearing
YOU’LL Xiangtan Huaxing Material Co., Ltd. FIND AN 0.0120 Kg Weight EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF 7030CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle FOR 33000 rpm Grease Limiting Speed SALE.
- 0.0120 Kg
- 33000 rpm
- 39000 rpm
- 7.000 mm
- 6 mm
- 22.000 mm
- 0.300 mm
- 1.4 kN
Xiangtan Huaxing Material Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Super Precision Bearing Cross References
- 0.0120 Kg
- 33000 rpm
- 39000 rpm
- 7.000 mm
- 6 mm
- 22.000 mm
- 0.300 mm
- 1.4 kN
- Non-Contact Seals
- 3.3 kN
SKF 7030CDGA/P4A Super Precision Bearing Specification details
71940CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | C1(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Rows):1220000 N; B - Inner Ring Width:88 mm; Da - Outer Ring Backing Diameter:258.000 mm; Bearing Weight:21.7 Kg; Cg - Geometry Factor8:0.0947; R - Inner Ring To Clear Radius1:2.0 mm; e - ISO Factor3:0.28; da - Inner Ring Backing Diameter:195.000 mm; Y2 - ISO Factor6:2.33; d:170 mm; D:280 mm; Superseded Part:23134KYMW33C3; Cage Type:EM; Y0 - ISO Factor4:2.39; B - Outer Ring Width:88.000 mm; |
71920CE/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Eng Internal Radial Clearance - Max:0.0047; Oil Lubrication - T Seal:2000 rpm; Dimension M:2.96 in; Dimension B:8.26 in; e - Geometry Factor:0.24; Dimension A:4.13 in; Shaft Size :3-3/4 in; Shaft Tolerance:0.0030 in; Housing Style:Two-Bolt Pillow Bloc; Y2 - Geometry Factor:4.24; Pre Install Clearance Min:0.0030 in; Dimension G:3.730 in; Y1 - Geometry Factor:2.85; UPC Code:0883450082921; |
7032CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.14 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:303000 lbf; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.114; a - Effective Center Location4:-0.56 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)6:174000 lbf; C90(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 90 million revolutions)2:78700 lbf; B - Cone Width:3.0625 in; K - Factor8:1.56; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:6.34 in; |
7022ACDGB/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):5750; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.25 in; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.232; d:16.3750 in; Cage Type:Pin-Type; C90(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 90 million revolutions)2:290000 lbf; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)6:642000 lbf; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)5:166000 lbf; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:17.76 in; |
7026CD/P4ADGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:14613 lbf; Dimension X:0.8 in; Maximum Speed:5400 rpm; Cor - Static Load Rating:15287 lbf; Series Type:Light Series; Tensioning Unit Type:Tension Type; Bearing Number:LSE107BR; Dimension H:1.1 in; Dimension D:6.0 in; Dimension B:4.0 in; Dimension P:0.6 in; Dimension R:0.9 in; Support Type:Take-Up; Dimension T:8.5 in; Dimension S:1.0 in; Dimension V:3.0 in; Bearing Type:Split Cylindrical Re; |
71821ACD/P4DGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:2.540 mm; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:2.03 mm; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:75300 N; K - Factor7:1.39; Bearing Weight:2.50 Kg; Cup Part Number:JK151543-SA; Y - ISO Factor9:1.43; B:38.500 mm; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):121.4; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:291000 N; d:85 mm; B - Cone Width:36 mm; |
71828ACDGB/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Grease Lubrication - T Seal:1600 rpm; Dimension D:0.313 in; Oil Lubrication - M/N Seal:1200 rpm; Float:0.083 in; Pre Install Clearance Min:0.0043 in; Dimension SVV:4.62 in; Eng Internal Radial Clearance - Min:0.0043; Dimension G:3.370 in; Shaft Size :3-1/2 in; Locking Style:Double V-Lock; Dimension RVV:0.60 in; Bearing Number:22220; Y1 - Geometry Factor:2.85; C0 - Static Load:113000 lb; |
S7020CEGB/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:3830 lbf; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:3.30 mm; Series:02800; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:45.47 mm; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:3.1 mm; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.8 mm; B:22.225 mm; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:14800 lbf; K - Factor7:1.29; a - Effective Center Location3:-3.8 mm; Y - ISO Factor9:1.32; |
71820CDGA/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:21700 lbf; C90(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 90 million revolutions)5:61200 lbf; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)4:236000 lbf; d:7.0000 in; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0 in; Cone Part Number:EE280703DW; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:0.130 in; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:10.98 in; Y1 - ISO Factor9:1.87; |
71826ACDGA/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | D:420 mm; Design Units:METRIC; Cup Part Number:Y32960M; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:405.5 mm; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):250.1; C - Cup Width:57 mm; Series:32960; Y - ISO Factor4:1.52; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.179; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:393 mm; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius1:3 mm; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):2228.2; K - Factor2:1.48; e - ISO Factor3:0.39; |
7226ACDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Cg - Geometry Factor:0.117; K - Factor8:1.83; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:382000 lbf; a - Effective Center Location4:-0.46 in; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.2 in; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)7:31100 lbf; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:0.2 in; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):101.5; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:7.56 in; |
71922CD/P4AQBCA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)6:399000 lbf; Cone Part Number:H247545WS; Design Units:Imperial; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.25 in; K - Factor8:1.76; d:9.1250 in; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.37 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:694000 lbf; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:0.16 in; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:10.24 in; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):1964.4; |
No. | Brand | a | J | T | d | b | R | F | E |
71938ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71926CD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7224CDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71921CDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71936CDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71920ACD/P4AQBCA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
BTM110A/P4CDBA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71824ACDGB/P4 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7048ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71926ACD/P4ATBTA | SKF | - | - | - | 200 mm | - | - | - | - |
71920ACD/P4ADGB | SKF | - | - | - | 22.5000 in | - | - | - | - |
7024ACD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7032ACD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71926ACD/P4ADGB | SKF | - | - | - | 28.575 mm | - | - | - | - |
71924ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | 160 mm | - | - | - | - |
7224CDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | 18.0000 in | - | - | - | - |
71920CD/P4ADGB | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7026CDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5 in | 23.7500 in |
7022CDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71826CDGA/P4 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7226ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | 6.3120 in | - | - | - | - |
71830CDGB/P4 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3022KTN9/SP | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71822ACD/P4DGB | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71822ACD/P4DGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7030CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle Video
Super Precision Bearing Part series 7030CDGA/P4A is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Xiangtan Huaxing Material Co., Ltd.
- AddressBuilding 27, Jinqiao, Jiuhua Economic Development Zone, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, China
- Phone(Working Time)86-15356897758
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SKF 7030CDGA/P4A Technical Articles
9x13x10 bearing number and size chart pdf |
460x830x296 bearing dimensions |
45x100x27.25 bearing dimensions tolerances |
Super Precision Bearing CATEGORIES
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- Super Precision Bearings
- Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
- Super Precision Bearing
- Slewing Ring
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